Response codes

The first two characters in the response code from RapydGateway are listed on this page. Any additional characters returned should be omitted as they are only for monitoring purposes. For example, a common response code is 05-I and is listed below as 05. Retries
Retries should be kept to a minimum in all cases, but should never be attempted when Merchant advice code is either 01, 05 or 06.
The merchant advice codes should be used in combination with the response codes to determine future actions. Available Merchant advice codes can be seen on the bottom of this page.
Failure to follow these suggestions can result in fines.
Response codes 00, 85 and 10 mean that the transaction was successful. Please note that this list of response codes is not exhaustive and only represents the most commonly encountered response codes. Any code not listed in the table below should be treated as an error code.

Acquirer reject and error codes

Code Reason Retry policy
A0 User cannot be authenticated or action was not authorized. Allowed
A1 Invalid Card acceptor identification code (MerchantXID). Allowed
A2 Invalid Category code. Allowed
A3 Invalid Terminal ID or Device ID. Allowed
A4 Invalid message ID. Allowed
A6 Invalid card expiration date. Allowed
A7 Invalid message UTC. Allowed
A8 Invalid Currency (TransCurrency or OriginalTransCurrency value is invalid or field is not allowed for TransType). Allowed
A9 Invalid Amount (TransAmount or OriginalTransAmount value is invalid or field is not allowed for TransType. TransFee invalid or not allowed for CategoryCode). Allowed
AA Invalid Message type. Allowed
AB Invalid Transaction type. Allowed
AC Invalid Card type. Allowed
AD Invalid 3DSecure data (e.g. CAVD missing or wrong length). Allowed
AE Transaction rejected - wrong CardVD value (CVC2/CVV2). Allowed
AF Invalid Card verification data. Allowed
AG Invalid address verification data (AVSPostalCode or AVSStreetAddress). Allowed
AH Invalid Cashback amount. Allowed
AJ Invalid Card (wrong issuer BIN or inactive BIN range). Allowed
AO Invalid Transaction xid. Allowed
AT Invalid token data. Allowed
AI Invalid Additional Data. Allowed
AK Invalid Transaction date. Allowed
AL Invalid Card sequence number. Allowed
AN Invalid Transaction time. Allowed
AM Invalid Terminal capability/type. Allowed
AP Invalid Authorization code. Allowed
AQ Invalid Track 2. Allowed
AZ Invalid Character(s) in Input Data (not covered by any of the codes above). Can apply to MessageCode, TransactionId, LifeCycleId, TransitIndicator, MerchantVerificationValue or Mastercard Wallet Identifier. Allowed
AY Unexpected error. Allowed
AR Invalid 3DSecure electronic commerce fields. Allowed
AS Invalid Icc data. Allowed
AV Connection to Visa EU/Mastercard is temporarily unavailable. Resending after several seconds/minutes prevents a high load on the network. Allowed
AW Time-out (authorization host received no response from Visa/Mastercard). Resending after several seconds/minutes prevents a high load on the network. Allowed
AX Invalid Parameter. Allowed
A5 Card details not found with the information provided. Allowed
F0 Invalid format of payment facilitator id Allowed

Transaction related reject codes

Code Reason Retry policy
T0 Unable to locate previous message. Allowed
T1 Previous message located, but the reversal data are inconsistent with original message. Allowed
T2 No action taken (authorization already finalized). Allowed
T3 Duplicate transaction. Allowed
T4 Unable to confirm online pin. Allowed
T5 Initiation reason missing or invalid. Allowed
T6 Initiator missing or invalid. Allowed
T7 Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) not allowed on card. Allowed
T8 SCA exemption failed validation or exemption not allowed on transtype. Allowed
T9 TransStatus not allowed for transaction. Allowed
TA Unsupported BIN. Allowed
TB Acquirer declined SCA exemption. Allowed
TC Transaction being reversed was declined by the acquirer. No need to reverse. Allowed
TD Balance inquiry request must contain a zero amount. Allowed
TE Invalid receiving account bin for OCT. Allowed
TG Missing mandatory values for MoneyTransfer. Allowed

Merchant related reject codes

Code Reason Retry policy
M0 Merchant ID not found. Allowed
M1 Merchant account closed. Allowed
MJ Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MI Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MH Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
ME Sub-merchant account closed. Allowed
M2 Terminal ID not found. Allowed
M3 Terminal closed. Allowed
M5 Invalid currency. Allowed
M4 Invalid category code. Allowed
M6 Missing CVV2/CVC2. Allowed
M7 CVV2 not allowed. Allowed
M8 Merchant not registered for Verified by Visa/Secure Code. Allowed
M9 Merchant not registered for Amex. Allowed
MY Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MZ Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MA Transaction not permitted at terminal. Allowed
MB Agreement and terminal are not related. Allowed
MC Invalid processor ID. Allowed
MD Invalid merchant data (Name, City or Postal Code). Allowed
MF Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MG Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MK Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
ML Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MM Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MN Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MO Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MP Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MQ Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MR Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MS Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MT Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MU Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MV Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MW Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed
MX Reserved for future use, however, processors/merchants should be prepared to receive them and interpret them as declined. Rapyd may introduce new codes with short notice if necessary. Allowed

Processor/Rapyd related response codes

Code Reason Retry policy
AU Acquirer unavailable. Allowed
B2 Unable to fetch virtual card data. Allowed
B3 Unexpected error when fetching virtual card data. Allowed
B4 Initiator or initiator reason does not match with the virtual card found. Allowed
B5 Merchant initiated virtual cards are not allowed to perform this operation. Allowed
P1 Merchant initiated transactions can not be authorized with 3dSecure data. Allowed
P4 Cavd validation failed for SCA card where full authentication was requested. Allowed
PN Payout is not allowed to merchant. Allowed
PP Processing communication error. Allowed
Q1 Origin host name could not be retrieved or it's not allowed. Allowed
Q2 Payment can not be completed because call to payment system failed. Allowed
Q3 Sending of success payment notification failed for the provided webhook endpoint. Allowed
Q4 Cardholder was not successfully 3DSecure authenticated. Allowed
Q5 Gift cards can not be 3D secure authenticated. Allowed
Q6 Token amount and currency value are not equal with values from request. Allowed
Q7 Payment was reversed since virtual card creation was unsuccessful. Allowed
S2 Merchant data was not found. Allowed
S3 Unexpected error occured when fetching merchant data. Allowed
UB It is not possible to get updated account for this bin at this time. Allowed
UD Account was found but insufficient card data was provided. Allowed
UI Internal Service Error while updating account. Allowed
UM Transaction ID and Transaction Date must be supplied for Rapyd issued cards. Allowed
UN No updated account was found for the given card number. Allowed
V2 The ResponseDescription may vary depending on the error that occurred. Please check the text for further information. Resending after several seconds/minutes prevents a high load on the network. Allowed
V3 Card was not fully authenticated and therefore virtual card can not be created. Allowed
X1 DCC approved. Allowed
X2 DCC Transaction not allowed to Cardholder. Allowed
X3 DCC Cardholder currency not supported. Allowed
X4 DCC Exceeds time limit for withdrawal (too late). Allowed
X5 DCC Transaction not allowed to terminal equipment. Allowed
X6 DCC not allowed to merchant. Allowed
X7 DCC Unknown error. Allowed
P3 Unexpected error when performing payment. Allowed
3X This card falls under the SCA (Strong customer authentication) mandate and 3D Secure authentication is required. Allowed
V1 Success creating/fetching merchant virtual card. Allowed
RX There was a problem with the virtual card payment batch and was forced to retry later. PAYOUT can not be retried in virtual card payment batches under any circumstances. This is a rare case and there is a chance that the payout is actually complete but authorization data was not saved properly with the transaction. When receiving this response code we recommend the merchant contacts Rapyd immediately before taking further action. No retry permitted
Q8 Decryption of Google Pay token was successful. Please proceed with Card verification followed by Card payment. Allowed
Q9 Decryption of Google Pay token was unsuccessful. Please verify token and try again. Allowed

Get batch report response codes

Code Reason Retry policy
D1 Success response code. Allowed
D2 Batch report is not yet available for this batch ID. Please try again later. Allowed
D3 The batch with this batch ID has been deleted. Allowed
D4 The batch with this batch ID has been created from incoming batch file, saved to our database and is awaiting transaction authorization. A batch usually does not have this status for a long time, but it can be delayed in case of extreme traffic or communication problem. Allowed
D5 The batch with this batch ID has not yet been finalized and is being prepared for the transaction authorization process. Allowed
D6 The batch with this batch ID is currently undergoing the transaction authorization process. Rapyd authorization process is usually very fast and so the batches do not have this status for very long. In case there is a problem then the batch will pause the authorization process for a time before retry, during that time the batch will hold this status. Allowed
D7 The batch with this batch ID has expired. The system never managed to create or finalize the batch properly, and so it was marked as expired after a few days of inactivity. In the rare case this happens we suggest to merchants to try creating the batch again. Allowed
D8 A batch file has been received by our system and will soon be validated and (if successfully validated) converted into an actual batch that is due for transaction authorization. Allowed
D9 The batch file has been successfully converted into an actual batch that is due for transaction authorization. Allowed
D0 The batch file has been successfully validated and will soon be converted into an actual batch that is due for transaction authorization. Allowed
DA A batch (converted from a validated batch file) has been successfully saved to our database. Allowed
DB A batch (converted from a validated batch file, and successfully saved to the database) has been successfully submitted for transaction authorization. Allowed
DC There was a problem converting the incoming batch file into an actual batch. Please contact Rapyd support for more information. Allowed
DD The batch file is invalid and can not be converted into an actual batch for transaction authorization. Information on why the batch failed will be delivered to the merchant notification email and/or webhook. Allowed
DE The was a problem when submitting a batch for transaction authorization. Please contact Rapyd support for more information. Allowed
DF The batch was successfully converted from a batch file to an actual batch, but there was a problem saving the batch to our database. Please contact Rapyd support for more information. Allowed
DG There was an communication error between Rapyd internal systems, please try again later or contact Rapyd support if the problem persists. Allowed
DH No batch with this batch id was found. Please make sure you have entered the correct batch id. Allowed
DI The merchant agreement number provided does not have permission to access this batch. Batch reports can only be accessed with the merchant agreement number they were created with. Make sure you have the correct API key. Allowed

3D Secure response codes

Code Reason Retry policy
C1 3DSecure verification was a success. Allowed
C2 3DSecure verification failed, merchant is not enrolled in 3DSecure. Allowed
C3 3DSecure verification failed, unable to validate card. Allowed
C4 3DSecure verification failed, could not determine card type. Allowed
C5 3dSecure MPI is unreachable at the moment, please contact Rapyd support for more information or try again later. Resending after several seconds/minutes prevents a high load on the network. Allowed
C6 3dSecure authentication request was rejected by MPI, please contact Rapyd support for more information. Allowed
C7 3dSecure MPI returned insufficient data to proceed with authentication, please contact Rapyd support for more information or try again later. Allowed
C8 The card does not support 3DSecure. Allowed

Push/Pull Funds response codes

Please note that these codes are the ones that are push/pull funds specific and not an exhaustive list. All other response codes in this document can be returned when pushing/pulling funds.
Code Reason Retry policy
O1 Card type could not be determined. Allowed
O2 Push/Pull funds payment is not supported for Amex cards. Allowed
O3 The transaction timed out. Wait an appropriate amount of time and then call the query endpoint. Allowed
O4 The API detected a duplicate transaction. Use query endpoint to get details of the original transaction. Allowed
O5 The message contains an invalid Primary Account Number (PAN). Allowed
O6 Unexpected error. Please contact Rapyd support. Allowed
O7 Successfully queried information about transaction. Allowed
O8 Merchant is not correctly set up for using PushFunds. Please contact Rapyd support for more information. Allowed
O9 SenderData is required for this transaction. Allowed
OA RecipientData is required for cross-border transactions. Allowed
OB Merchant not allowed to pull or push funds Allowed
OD The transaction type is not supported for this card type. Allowed
OE No transaction is found for the specified input parameters. Original transaction can be sent again via Push Funds endpoint. Allowed

Response codes for Visa transactions

Code Reason Retry policy
N0 Force STIP. Allowed
N3 Cach service not available. Allowed
N4 Cashback request exceeds Issuer limit. Allowed
N7 Decline for CVV2 failure. Allowed
N8 Transaction amount exceeds pre-authorized approval amount. Allowed
P2 Invalid biller information. Allowed
P5 PIN change/unblock request declined. Allowed
P6 Unsafe PIN. Allowed
Q1 Card authentication failed. Or offline PIN authentication interrupted. Allowed
R0 Stop Payment Order. No retry permitted
R1 Revocation of Authorization. No retry permitted
R3 Revocation of All Authorizations. No retry permitted
XA Forward to issuer. Allowed
XD Forward to issuer. Allowed
Z3 Unable to go online. Allowed
00 Approval. N/A
01 Refer to card issuer. Allowed
1A Additional customer authentication required. 3D required before retry
02 Refer to card issuer, special condition. Allowed
03 Invalid merchant or service provider. No retry permitted
04 Pickup card. No retry permitted
05 Do not honor. Three retries allowed
06 Error. Allowed
07 Pick up card, special condition (other than lost/stolen card). No retry permitted
10 Partial Approval. N/A
11 V.I.P Approval. Allowed
12 Invalid transaction. No retry permitted
13 Invalid amount (currency conversion field overflow) or amount exceeds maximum for card program. Allowed
14 Invalid account number (no such number). Allowed
15 No such issuer. No retry permitted
19 Re-enter transaction. Allowed
21 No action taken (unable to back out prior transaction). Allowed
25 Unable to locate record in file, or account number is missing from the inquiry. Allowed
28 File is temporarily unavailable. Allowed
39 No credit account. Allowed
41 Pickup card (lost card). No retry permitted
43 Pickup card (stolen card). No retry permitted
46 Closed account. Allowed
51 Insufficient funds. Fifteen retries allowed
52 No checking account. Allowed
53 No savings account. Allowed
54 Expired card. Allowed
55 Incorrect PIN. Allowed
57 Transaction not permitted to cardholder. No retry permitted
58 Transaction not allowed at terminal. Allowed
59 Suspected fraud. Allowed
61 Activity amount limit exceeded. Allowed
62 Restricted card (e.g. in Country Exclusion table). No retry permitted
63 Security violation. Allowed
64 Transaction does not fulfill AML requirement. Allowed
65 Activity count limit exceeded. 3D required before retry
70 PIN Data Required. Allowed
75 Allowable number of PIN-entry tries exceeded. Allowed
76 Unable to locate previous message (no match on transaction ID). Allowed
77 Previous message located, but the reversal data are inconsistent with original message. Allowed
78 'Blocked, first used' - Transaction from new cardholder, and card not properly unblocked. No retry permitted
79 Transaction reversed. Allowed
80 Visa transactions: credit issuer unavailable. Private label: invalid date. Allowed
81 PIN cryptographic error found (error found by VIC security module during PIN decryption). Allowed
82 Negative Online CAM, dCVV, iCVV, or CVV results or offline PIN authentication interrupted. Allowed
85 No reason to decline a request for Account Number verification, address verification or CVV2 verification. N/A
86 Cannot Verify PIN. Allowed
91 Issuer unavailable or switch inoperative (STIP not applicable or available for this transaction). Resending after several seconds/minutes prevents a high load on the network. Allowed
92 Financial institution or intermediate network facility cannot be found for routing. Resending after several seconds/minutes prevents a high load on the network. Allowed
93 Transaction cannot be completed; violation of law. No retry permitted
94 Duplicate transaction. Allowed
96 System malfunction. Resending after several seconds/minutes prevents a high load on the network. Allowed

Response codes for MasterCard transactions

Code Reason Retry policy
00 Approved or completed successfully. N/A
01 Refer to card issuer. Allowed
03 Invalid merchant or service provider. No retry permitted
04 Capture card. No retry permitted
05 Do not honor. Three retries allowed
06 Error. Allowed
08 Honor with ID. No retry permitted
10 Partial Approval. N/A
12 Invalid transaction. No retry permitted
13 Invalid amount. Allowed
14 Invalid card number. Allowed
15 Invalid issuer. No retry permitted
30 Format error. Allowed
41 Lost card. No retry permitted
43 Stolen card. No retry permitted
51 Insufficient funds/over credit limit. Fifteen retries allowed
54 Expired card. Allowed
55 Invalid PIN. Allowed
57 Transaction not permitted to cardholder. No retry permitted
58 Transaction not permitted to acquirer/terminal. Allowed
61 Exceeds withdrawal amount limit. Allowed
62 Restricted card. No retry permitted
63 Security violation. Allowed
65 Additional customer authentication required (formerly: Exceeds withdrawal count limit). 3D required before retry
70 Contact Card Issuer. Allowed
71 PIN not changed. Allowed
75 Allowable number of PIN-entry tries exceeded. Allowed
76 Invalid/nonexistent 'To Account' specified. Allowed
77 Invalid/nonexistent 'From Account' specified. Allowed
78 Invalid/nonexistent account specified. No retry permitted
79 Lifcycle related. Allowed
81 Domestic debit transaction not allowed. Allowed
82 Policy related. Allowed
83 Fraud/Security related. Allowed
84 Invalid authorization life cycle. Allowed
85 Not declined (Valid for all zero amount transactions). N/A
86 PIN validation not possible. Allowed
87 Purchase amount only, no cash back allowed. Allowed
88 Cryptographic failure. Allowed
89 Unacceptable PIN. Allowed
91 Authorization system or issuer inoperative. Resending after several seconds/minutes prevents a high load on the network. Allowed
92 Unable to route transaction. Resending after several seconds/minutes prevents a high load on the network. Allowed
94 Duplicate transaction detected. Allowed
96 System error. Resending after several seconds/minutes prevents a high load on the network. Allowed

Response codes for Amex transactions

Code Reason Retry policy
00 Approval. N/A
1A Additional customer identification required. 3D required before retry
05 Do not honor. Three retries allowed
10 Partial Approval. N/A
13 Invalid amount. Allowed
14 Invalid account number (no such number). Allowed
30 Format error. Allowed
54 Expired card. Allowed
55 Incorrect PIN. Allowed
75 Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded. Allowed
91 Issuer unavailable. Maybe retried. Resending after several seconds/minutes prevents a high load on the network. Allowed
96 System error. Resending after several seconds/minutes prevents a high load on the network. Allowed

Response codes for Apple Pay register merchant and get session

Code Reason Retry policy
W0 Success Allowed
W1 Error registering Apple Pay merchant. Allowed
W2 Error getting Session from Apple Pay. Allowed

Merchant Advice Codes

Additional information, if available, for the merchants on when and how to retry a declined transaction.

Code Reason
01 Do not try again
02 Try again later
03 Update account information
04 Retry using authentication
05 Suspected fraud, do not try again
06 Payment cancellation, do not try again
07 Merchant does not qualify for product code
08 Retry after 1 hour
09 Retry after 24 hour
10 Retry after 2 days
11 Retry after 4 days
12 Retry after 6 days
13 Retry after 8 days
14 Retry after 10 days
15 The issuer recognizes the product as a consumer non-reloadable prepaid card
16 The issuer recognizes the product as a consumer single-use virtual card number
17 Token requirements not fulfilled for this token type
18 Negotiated value not approved